☽ Astrology Forecasts ☾

Venus in Leo 6/5 - 10/9

Venus in Leo is charismatic, confident in love, bold in self expression, and deeply passionate. This transit will bring us a wave of romantic, sensual, flirtatious energy to play with. Depending on where at in your chart Venus is activating, you may experience changes in your relationship dynamics. Above all else, Venus in Leo is encouraging us to come back home to our own love. Tune into your heart space and find that deep connection to the things that make you come alive. Be bold in expressing your love and passion. This is also a time for heightened creativity. Do not hold back. Leo is all about taking the center stage and becoming the star of the show. This is how your soul needs to be expressed under Leo energy. Be confident in yourself, your gifts, your passions, your creative abilities. Show the world what you have to offer, but leave the ego out of it. Your loving and passionate energy will speak for itself. Overall, enjoy this time! Pamper yourself and the ones you love.

All my love,


Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius 6/3

Full Moon Blessings!

The Moon is Full and illuminating the part of the sky known as Sagittarius.

Some of you may be wondering why it feels a lot like Mercury retrograde lately. There is a lot of big conversations happening in the sky right now, particularly between the Sun & Saturn, and Venus & Mars. 

If you're feeling under pressure right now and like the universe is testing you, you're probably right. And you're not alone, most of us are really feeling it. 

We are in fact "being tested" and this is the time to either strengthen your efforts or abandon them entirely. If it's not working and not worth it, let it go. 

Sometimes challenge is a good thing because it motivates and inspires us, and reminds us of our Why. Use your discernment to determine what kind of challenges you may find yourself in. If you need to let go of certain relationships in your life, release them with gratitude. Lean into the relationships in your life that feel nourishing. 

The entire energy of June is basically...

✨ If it's not a fuck yes, it's a fuck no. ✨

All my love,

Renae ✨🤍

New Moon in Taurus 5/19

After an intense couple weeks of Eclipse season and Mercury retrograde, we're finally coming out of it all with a beautifully grounding New Moon in Taurus on May 19th. This New Moon sweeps in just in time to offer us the perfect opportunity to process all that we've endured over the last few weeks. As New Moons usually represent new beginnings, this one also represents the end of Taurus season, Mercury Retrograde, and Eclipse season - as well as welcoming Jupiter in Taurus for the next 12 months. This energy is less like starting a new chapter and more like starting a new book altogether. But this time, you have much more experience and knowledge to apply to your endeavors moving forward. 

Coming out of the last few weeks, you are likely feeling like a whole new person or you will start to feel that way over the next few weeks/months ahead. Jupiter moving into Taurus for the next 12 months is contributing a lot to this energy. 

This Taurus New Moon is asking you for more softness. Taurus is about slowing down, being intentional and experiencing pleasure in work instead of burnout. During this time, it is important to nurture and nourish yourself in all of the ways. It's time to get really honest with yourself about what your soul craves. What are your dreams and desires that keep calling back to you? You can keep pushing them away out of fear - fear of the unknown, fear of rejection or failure, fear of what others might think - but it's only a matter of time before you have no choice but to give in to your Truth and inner knowing. We're looking at a deep surrender within oneself where you can trust your inner knowing and find safety in letting your intuition guide you. 

With Jupiter comes expansion to things with Taurean themes like finances, material possessions, self worth and personal values. This New Moon serves as the kickoff for this 12-month cycle where you will likely experience massive growth in these areas of your life. 

Take time under this New Moon to carve out a plan for yourself, and be intentional about it's execution. Allow yourself to soften and to get out of your own way so that you can be divinely guided by Spirit. 

If you want to know more about how to make the most out of this New Moon energy or how Jupiter in Taurus will affect you over the next 12 months, feel free to book a reading with me!

All my love, 

Renae ✨🤍

Sun Conjunct Uranus in Taurus 5/9

This transit is here to shake things up this week. Peaking on 5/9, this conjunction adds to the intensity of the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. And don't forget about Mercury which is also retrograding in Taurus.

Uranus is the planet of change, (usually abrupt and unexpected). Uranus challenges our sense of security. In Taurus, Uranus is at it's fall. This is likely to manifest as finding confrontation with your most stubborn habits and patterns in your life.

We're talking Tower Card Moment. 💥

You are being pushed out of your comfort zone. The intention of this is motivation for you to take action into letting go of those unhealthy patterns that create instability in your life. Let go.

During this time it is important to stay grounded, and open to new possibilities. Ultimately, this uncomfortable change is forcing you to step into a higher version of Yourself. 🙏🏼

All my love,

Renae ✨🤍

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 5/5

There is a lot happening on a cosmic level right now.

If you're feeling drained, overwhelmed, burnt out, fed up, pressured and torn about a decision, restless or overly tired... Know that this is to be expected, and will eventually pass.

You are not alone, we're all feeling it.

Under these energetic influences, anything in our lives that is not in alignment with our souls purpose is being removed. This can be an uncomfortable experience and often associated with grief, as we learn to let go of things that have made us feel comfortable and safe for a time. Now it's time to move on to the next chapter and that means leaving parts of ourselves and our lives behind.

You may be experiencing a shift in career or an ending of a meaningful relationship. You may also be experiencing ego death, identity crisis, or more profound levels of your spiritual awakening journey.

Know that as uncomfortable as things are right now, you are being upgraded. Embrace the growing pains and lean into change. Be playful and curious about what is in store for you.

Allow yourself the space to feel and release. Crying, ecstatic dance, screaming, etc. Grieve the old you and hold space to welcome in the great things coming in on the other side of all this transformation.

Proud of you 💫 

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries 4/20

Energy activation⚡

April 20th we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse occuring in the sign of Aries. This kicks off this eclipse season with a powerful dose of Aries energy before we transition into Taurus season. 

Aries energy has been very active this season, with two New Moons, one occuring at 0° and the other at 29°. With a Solar Eclipse, the sun moving into Taurus, and Mercury stationing retrograde the day after, we're in for some potent activations and astrological weather. 

Eclipses are portals for rapid transformation and growth. They align us with our destiny and place us on our fated paths. They reintroduce us to our life purpose and mission. During eclipse season, expect major changes to occur within and around you. 

If you'd like to know how this transit will affect you based on your rising sign, scroll through until your find your sign and read the channeled message. 

Blessings to all, 

Renae ✨🤍

Libra Full Moon 4/6

✨ Full Moon Blessings are upon us! ✨

This is our first Full Moon of the zodiac year and falls in the sign of Libra. Libra is an air sign ruled by the planet Venus and brings us a focused energy around the relationships in our lives, including with ourselves.

We also have a heavy influence of Chiron energy under this Full Moon. Chiron represents the deep wounds we have yet to heal and will activate under a celestial event when we're being called to acknowledge those wounds so they can be released. In this case, the wounds are related to our relationships, but most importantly the relationship we have with ourselves.

How are you honoring your life? Are you listening to your intuition and trusting your instincts? Are you respecting your boundaries? Do you take time to acknowledge your accomplishments?

This Full Moon encourages us to move with unconditional love. To release any self limiting beliefs and behaviors. To evaluate the connections we're giving our energy to. We are in this era of building meaningful relationships with others, which means the relationships not best serving us need to GO.

Overall this is great Full Moon energy to work with. Don't forget to charge your crystals, make some moon water, or do a Full Moon ritual.

Sending all the blessings and love,

Renae ✨🤍 

Pluto enters Aquarius 3/23

On March 23 Pluto enters the sign of Aquarius. This is a big deal because Pluto takes about 20 years to transit one zodiac sign, which is 248 years to transit the entire zodiac.

Pluto is the planet of transformation and death/rebirth. Wherever this planet transits, be sure to expect major changes.

Pluto in Aquarius is bringing us a collective revolution. Expect to see major developments in technology over the next 20 years, especially in AI and cryptocurrency. Society as we know it will completely change and power structures will collapse.

The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was during the American revolution. The Constitution was written, we witnessed the invention of the first smallpox vaccine, and Uranus was discovered. This was also during the Haitian and French revolutions and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

It's BIG energy season ⚡ 

All my love, 

Renae ✨🤍

Aries New Moon 3/21

It's officially Aries Season! That means we're starting a new astrological year and celebrating the Equinox. We also have another New Moon falling at 0° giving us a fresh welcome into this new and expansive energy that will carry us through the next year. If there was ever a time to set intentions, plant seeds, do some spring cleaning, or get started on a project - now is the best time.

Aries is a fire sign, ruled by the planet Mars. We have this fiery, passionate energy to work with us in taking aligned action towards our goals for this year. We also have TWO New Moons during this Aries season and during this time, this expansive energy will be readily available to us. Use it intentionally because the second New Moon begins our Eclipse season. What you focus on now will be the themes for you over the next couple months and where you set your intentions under this New Moon, you'll see manifest/amplified during the eclipses.

The energy coming in right now is beautifully juicy. Most of us will be feeling connected under this energy, as this is a very collective shift. Everyone experiences the energies coming in differently but we're in a climate at the moment where shifts are happening on a very collective level.

One example of this is Pluto shifting from Pisces to Aquarius, which happens 2 days after the New Moon (3/23). Pluto takes about 20 years to shift from one sign to another so when it happens, it is noticeable energetically and we're expected to witness major collective shifts over the next 20 years.

We're experiencing a major rebirth of energy with new beginnings, new patterns and cycles coming in. This is such an amazing time to invest in yourself and start making moves. Aries energy is about being bold, brave, confident, assertive, and keeping it fun! Trust yourself and any creative ideas begging for your attention. This is also a favorable time to build connections, network, collaborate, and build community.

Full Moon in Virgo 3/7

Rising in the sky on March 7 around 9am (EST) we have a Super Full Moon in Virgo. This powerful lunation brings with it a big energy that the entire collective is likely feeling. This is mostly due to the fact that on the same day, Saturn shifts from Aquarius to Pisces. Saturn takes about 2.5 years to transit each sign of the zodiac, and during that time it brings hard lessons for us to work through. We are ending a major cycle with Saturn in Aquarius and some of us are wrapping up our Saturn return while others are about to begin theirs as Saturn shifts into Pisces. This transit enhances the power of this Full Moon.

With all this Pisces energy in the air, this Virgo Moon so graciously brings us some much needed grounding energy. This is a time of nurturing and checking in with ourselves, especially with the energy and intentions set around the New Moon 2 weeks ago.

As we wrap up the astrological year with the final full moon of this cycle, what better sign for it to fall in than Virgo. Virgo is all about getting organized and cleansing your space - perfect for closing out this cycle and getting a headstart on some spring cleaning.

This full moon encourages you to practice some grounding, self care, and self reflection. Cleanse yourself and your spaces. Take advantage of this opportunity because the rest of March is packed with a lot of intense energy. This full moon is the perfect rest stop for a self check in. Virgo energy is here to nurture, cleanse and re-align areas of our lives that truly need it. All you have to do is open yourself up to it.

Blessings to you all from your favorite Virgo,


New Moon in Pisces - Feb 20

As we get closer to the end of Aquarius season, some of us are already feeling the dreamy and expansive energy of Pisces season approaching. This is mostly due to the powerful New Moon in Pisces on February 20th. Pisces is a mutable water sign and is symbolized by 2 fish that are always swimming in perfect balance like yin and yang. This duality of energy will definitely be felt under this lunation, partially due to the heavy influence by Saturn.

Pisces energy is dreamy, deeply intuitive, creative, and powerfully sensitive whereas Saturn brings us a bit of seriousness and grounding to the mix. Not only do we have the power at this time to go deeper within ourselves and strengthen our intuitive abilities but we have the stability and clarity to manifest as well, thanks to Saturn. Saturn will also be shifting from Aquarius to Pisces where it will stay for the next 3 years. This will bring in more creativity and help us to connect more with our spiritual missions.

Think about how you can further develop your spiritual gifts or simply advance on your spiritual journey. It's time to shed and release any heaviness or burdens you’ve been carrying. If you have been feeling weighed down by responsibility or being too overly critical of yourself, it’s time to let that shit go. Trust yourself and trust the process. You are stronger, more powerful and more capable than you even know. Get out of your head and into your body, into your soul.

Some practices to consider during this New Moon:

February 5 - Full Moon in Leo

Full Moon blessings, soul fam!

We have a Full Moon in Leo upon us, and this one brings in the fiery and passionate energy of Leo. The energy from this moon is encouraging us all to tap into our heart centers and activate our deepest desires. Leo teaches us to be bold, and to go after what we want with no reservations. This is a great opportunity to let your passion be your driving force under this Full Moon energy. With the moon ruling the emotions, Full Moons tend to heighten what we’ve been feeling. With a Full Moon in Leo, you are more than likely going to feel more confident and bold in expressing yourself and wanting to take more aligned action towards your passions in life.

To enhance this energy, we have Uranus very active at this time. Rebellious Uranus likes to stir things up for the hell of it to see how we’re going to respond and realign. This influence is asking us to use our creativity and think in more expansive ways. Are you ready to take a leap of faith towards a higher version of yourself? You have support from the cosmos.

The message here is to Lead with Love. Love always prevails and in this case, it is highly encouraged to use the power of Love on yourself! Let the Love flow through your entire being and be the driving force behind your actions at this time. Love spreads like wildfire and will be seen and felt by those around you, activating others to lead with their love as well.

To add a little spice to the mix, Venus and Mars are in a square. This typically indicates a challenging aspect, and in this case brings up this love/hate dynamic. Under this influence it will be abundantly clear who and what you truly want and everything else will feel mediocre in comparison. You will find clarity in love if you have been undecided or unsure how to feel about something. It is okay to leave behind what is not serving your highest potential. Let your heart lead the way and take a chance on love, on yourself, on your wildest dreams and greatest passions.

Crystal Companions for this lunation:

Astrology Update 1/19 - Aquarius Season

Astrology Update 

• Mars & Mercury are now both direct, with Uranus joining them on the 22nd which means NO planets in retrograde until April.

• Tomorrow (Jan 20th) - Sun moves into Aquarius for the next 30 days. Followed by a New Moon in Aquarius the very next day.

If you have been experiencing creative or energetic blocks, those should be finally clearing up. There is fresh new energy coming in for all of us to take advantage of. Aquarius brings us new perspectives and innovation. It's time to get those creative juices flowing and use the energy of the New Moon to set intentions for the month ahead. It's okay to be brave and bold. Think outside the box, this energy is here to move through you if you can allow it. With all planets going direct, a clear path ahead is made and obstacles should be far and few. This is the best time to be a little rebellious and go after your goals in an unconventional way. The New Moon says it's okay.

With love,


January 6 Full Moon in Cancer

Friday, January 6 we are kicking off with the first full moon of 2023 in the sign of cancer. With Cancer being ruled by the Moon, this placement creates an extra layer of intensity on the effectiveness of this full moon's energy. Cancer is a water sign and rules our emotional depths. Cancer also brings us a nurturing, motherly energy to hold us during this Lunation.

This full moon is asking us to come forward with expression and to open up our hearts. This is a time to feel soft and tender as the waves of emotion move through us.

For some of us that are heavily affected by the changes of the moon, this should be no problem. Just watch out for Mercury retrograde and the urge to speak too soon. This is a time for self expression like journaling, or finding an artistic outlet. For those that may struggle tapping into their expressive selves during this full moon, that may be due to the opposition happening with the sun in Capricorn.

We also have an aspect with Chiron, which represents our wounds needing healing. This is highlighting our core belief systems and how we truly feel about what knowledge or widsom we are in search of. What is it that you truly seek out of life? Have you been honest about your heart's truest desires? This is the time to listen. No more playing small. 2023 is the year to go after everything you've ever wanted. This full moon gives us the perfect opportunity to start learning how to listen to ourselves and open up to new ways of expression.

Ride the wave and see where it takes you 🌊

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde urges us to slow down and reevaluate the ways in which we communicate with one another and how we use (or abuse) technology. This is a period to rest, reflect, and recharge our social selves. Not doing so can result in challenges and setbacks. 

December 23rd Super New Moon in Capricorn

We have our last major lunation of the year, falling on December 23rd as a Super New Moon in Capricorn. This New Moon comes to us just days after the Winter Solstice and beginning of Capricorn season, with only a little over a week left in the year. Overall, this is wonderful energy to invite in to close off the end of the year and welcome in 2023! New Moons are generally great for calling in your intentions for the new lunar cycle and for manifestation. Considering the timing of this moon, the manifestation magic around this lunation is extra potent. This is the best time to set goals and create a vision board for 2023.

We still have Mars in retrograde until January 12th so during this time, be mindful that the intentions you set on the New Moon will take time to manifest. Don’t let yourself become impatient or frustrated trying to make your dreams a reality. It takes time. We are also in the Mercury retrograde shadow period, with Mercury stationing retrograde from December 29th to January 18th. The key message during any retrograde is simply to slow down.

To really anchor in your intentions and to make the most out of this manifestation magic in the air, take some time to be by yourself and tune into your unique frequency, outside of the noise and hustle of the outside world (especially during the holidays). We have a lot of grounding earth energy assisting us and urging us to use this time intentionally. Get in touch with your depths, tune into your vision and hold it. Get crystal clear about what you want to manifest. Have a plan, and make silent moves.

I wish you all a blessed holiday season. Remember to self care during this time, and do plenty of cleansing if you are finding yourself around a lot of energies from the holidays and feeling burnt out. Your peace and clarity of mind are extra important right now.

Sending my love and well wishes for the New Year,


December 7th Full Moon in Gemini

On December 7th we have the last Full Moon of 2022, illuminating the part of the sky known as Gemini. This Full Moon is conjunct Mars, which is still in retrograde, and therefore will have a heavy influence over the energy for this Full Moon. Typically, Full Moons are a time for reflection, release, and harvesting our manifestations from the intentions we set during the New Moon at the beginning of the lunar cycle. Considering this is the last Full Moon of the year, these themes are especially relevant. This moon is bringing us an opportunity for big release.

Neptune is also very active during this Full Moon and is stirring all of our deep emotions up to the surface for processing and release. By now, any energy you may have been working with during eclipse season should be settled down. This Full Moon is no where near the intensity of the eclipses, but offers us some pretty thick energy to confront due to the placements in the sky.

Mars retrograde in Gemini can look like frustration, agitation, anger, impatience, criticism, judgement, ungroundedness, and aggression. However, this is not necessarily karmic or due to lack of inner work on your part. In fact, a lot of us have been doing the work necessary to evolve. Due to this lunation and it’s influences, we are being given an opportunity to dive deeper into ourselves and check in with how we are feeling. We are being guided to take a pause, rest, and sit with ourselves, especially the most uncomfortable parts. Even when we are on the right path, it’s still necessary at times to give ourselves a self evaluation.

Allow yourself to slow down during this time. If you are feeling the creative pulse within you, continue to practice your craft but more deliberately and with more intention. Take plenty of breaks. Allow yourself to not feel rushed or get too ahead of yourself, because the result will likely be burnout. If you are feeling a creative block or lack of inspiration, that is okay! This is likely due to your emotions trying to come up for expression. Check out the journal prompt I have written for this Full Moon (Link below). Take a bubble bath, listen to music that evokes emotion, go for a drive, have a good cry – whatever feels cathartic for you. Clear out the emotional baggage weighing you down and causing distress, allow it to be released and feel your energy become lighter. Once the energy of this Full Moon passes, your inspiration will be back in full swing. We have plenty of astrological events happening throughout the end of the year to support your creative journey. Consider this the helping hand of release that prompts you to lighten your load and make room for all the blessings that are to come in 2023!

In addition to the journal prompt, I have also included 3 crystals that can greatly assist you during this Full Moon energy. Check them both out HERE.

I hope this helps and I hope all of you take extra care of yourselves during this time. If you are needing extra guidance, please feel free to reach out for an intuitive reading.

Sending my love and support to you all,


Sagittarius Season/ New Moon in Sagittarius 11.23

Welcome Sagittarius Season!

We are wrapping up the end of Scorpio season and all of the Eclipse energy that came with it with brand new fresh energy. Today we are officially entering Sagittarius season which will last until December 21st. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter which brings us themes of adventure, enlightenment, and expansion.

To start the season off with an extra dose of this energy we have Jupiter, which has been retrograde since August 28th, finally stationing direct in the watery, dreamy sign of Pisces – as well as a New Moon in Sagittarius. Creativity will be extra potent during this time, which makes manifestation a great tool to use under this lunation.

New Moons represent the beginning of the Lunar cycle and make for a great time to fine-tune your vision, set intentions, and clear out any stagnant or old energy. This pairs perfectly with the start of Sagittarius season and the fresh energy Jupiter is bringing in. Jupiter visits each zodiac about once every 12 years, so we have until December 20th – when Jupiter makes its way from Pisces to Aries – to make the most out of this expansive and mystical energy that is being offered to us.

Don’t forget, we are still in the midst of Mars retrograde which could heighten some shadow themes associated with Sagittarius energy. Be patient and learn how to tap into your ~flow state~. Don’t force or fight anything. This is a time to get creative, let your inner artist out, be open to new perspectives, new information, and new experiences. Allow yourself to use this opportunity to really go for it and take that risk on your big dreams, but with a brand new perspective. Be open to all the possibilities available to you.

Overall, this is a really great energy to work with, especially after the karmic lessons that came with Eclipse season and the depths of Scorpio themes we’ve all been wading through. You made it to the other side, congratulations! All of that heavy energy should be clearing up for most of us by now. If you’re still wrapping up those loose ends, just know that the rest of the month is offering a very light-hearted and fun energy to invite some much needed contrast to our lives over the holidays.

I hope this helped for some of you. If you are interested in a personal reading, feel free to reach out. I am also offering free 3 card readings for this New Moon for those subscribed to my Patreon.

I am sending all of you cleansing energy and wishes of abundance.

Tale care, my loves.


November 8th Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

We have a Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse upon us. Occurring in the sign of Taurus, this Eclipse is activating the nodes with Scorpio on the other side. This is a powerful event and end to the last Eclipse season of the year with it also being the last Blood Moon until 2025.

Eclipses always bring themes of karma, destiny, and fate. This is truly the time to surrender and let things unfold for you the way they are meant to. A lot of energy is passing through us at this time to help us release and transmute anything that has been keeping us from being our best selves, so it is important to rest and listen to your body and intuition. All that you are being asked at this time is to fully surrender and let your new soul path unfold before you.

With the Moon in Taurus, we also have Uranus giving opposition to Scorpio and the First House with Venus, Mercury, and the Sun. Along with the Blood Moon Eclipse, Uranus is pretty much a star in this show. Uranus is the planet of unpredictability, chaos, and rebellion. Under heavy Uranus influence, the key message here is to expect the unexpected and prepare for sudden/drastic shifts in our lives.

Under this influence, Venus is very active, bringing themes of love for us to visit within ourselves. Venus is in Scorpio which often stirs up our passion, our pain and pleasure, and gets us to really sit with that deep emotional part of ourselves. Under this Eclipse, Venus in giving us a powerful and intense energy to work with. It is important to allow ourselves to feel our emotions and let anything that comes up be seen and met with gratitude, before letting it go and releasing it. Honor your feelings and emotions.

With Mercury being the planet of communication, there might be some surprising news coming to you under this influence. Mercury is conjunct the sun, which means something will be coming to light. Miscommunications might be smoothed out or if you’ve been procrastinating a confrontation with someone, that issue might likely come up to be resolved. Uranus is shaking up this aspect, making it hard to pinpoint how this transit will express itself, but just be honest with yourselves and allow whatever is necessary to occur. Try not to resist any uncomfortable moments, for they are simply “growing pains” and here to help you level up.

With all of this opposition going on, we also have a square with Saturn. Saturn is sneaking into this fight with a demand to let go and allow transformation to occur. We are being asked to expand our capacity to receive more of what we truly value in our lives. This is the time to stop doubting ourselves and fully stand in our Truth. This Eclipse is truly a magical experience for all of us. Most of us will be feeling its power in some way. Some will be experiencing the heaviness of shadow work, but know that this is a temporary feeling and on the other side of this transformative energy is a lighter, happier and more aligned version of yourself. This is a dose of tough love from the Universe, but know that it is love nonetheless. Only good things can result from this big and powerful Blood Moon Eclipse.

Overall, be patient with yourself and practice plenty of self care. Stay hydrated and eat high frequency foods. Give yourself the deepest level of love you are capable of. Some of us have been doing a lot of integration, especially in our sleep, and are probably feeling completely drained of energy. It is okay! Give yourself a break and rest as much as you need to. Indulge in the things that truly light you up and make you happy. Ultimately this is a deep soul cleansing that requires nourishing and care. Anchor into the vibration of unconditional love and share it with yourself and others. We’re all in this together.

October 25th Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse

Eclipses bring an energy of fate and destiny upon our paths. This is a time of surrender and going with the flow. Get ready to take a quantum leap, on the other side of this portal is a new timeline. Where have you been investing your energy for the past several months? Expect major changes to occur for you around this time. The closing of the portal will occur with the second eclipse on 11/8 but the energy will be felt for up to a month afterwards. Where you focus your energy during the next 30 days or so will determine how this eclipse portal affects you.

During this time, expect hidden truths to be revealed, new pathways to open up, moving on from people and things, and fresh energy. Under Venus' influence during this cycle, you can also expect to see themes around relationships, love, beauty, and self worth. There will be a lot of clarity available for us during this cycle. 💫