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Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius 6/3

Full Moon Blessings!

The Moon is Full and illuminating the part of the sky known as Sagittarius.

Some of you may be wondering why it feels a lot like Mercury retrograde lately. There is a lot of big conversations happening in the sky right now, particularly between the Sun & Saturn, and Venus & Mars. 

If you're feeling under pressure right now and like the universe is testing you, you're probably right. And you're not alone, most of us are really feeling it. 

We are in fact "being tested" and this is the time to either strengthen your efforts or abandon them entirely. If it's not working and not worth it, let it go. 

Sometimes challenge is a good thing because it motivates and inspires us, and reminds us of our Why. Use your discernment to determine what kind of challenges you may find yourself in. If you need to let go of certain relationships in your life, release them with gratitude. Lean into the relationships in your life that feel nourishing. 

The entire energy of June is basically...

✨ If it's not a fuck yes, it's a fuck no. ✨

Readings available for a more in depth look at this Full Moon energy! Check out my Offerings.

All my love,

Renae ✨🤍

New Moon in Taurus 5/19

After an intense couple weeks of Eclipse season and Mercury retrograde, we're finally coming out of it all with a beautifully grounding New Moon in Taurus on May 19th. This New Moon sweeps in just in time to offer us the perfect opportunity to process all that we've endured over the last few weeks. As New Moons usually represent new beginnings, this one also represents the end of Taurus season, Mercury Retrograde, and Eclipse season - as well as welcoming Jupiter in Taurus for the next 12 months. This energy is less like starting a new chapter and more like starting a new book altogether. But this time, you have much more experience and knowledge to apply to your endeavors moving forward. 

Coming out of the last few weeks, you are likely feeling like a whole new person or you will start to feel that way over the next few weeks/months ahead. Jupiter moving into Taurus for the next 12 months is contributing a lot to this energy. 

This Taurus New Moon is asking you for more softness. Taurus is about slowing down, being intentional and experiencing pleasure in work instead of burnout. During this time, it is important to nurture and nourish yourself in all of the ways. It's time to get really honest with yourself about what your soul craves. What are your dreams and desires that keep calling back to you? You can keep pushing them away out of fear - fear of the unknown, fear of rejection or failure, fear of what others might think - but it's only a matter of time before you have no choice but to give in to your Truth and inner knowing. We're looking at a deep surrender within oneself where you can trust your inner knowing and find safety in letting your intuition guide you. 

With Jupiter comes expansion to things with Taurean themes like finances, material possessions, self worth and personal values. This New Moon serves as the kickoff for this 12-month cycle where you will likely experience massive growth in these areas of your life. 

Take time under this New Moon to carve out a plan for yourself, and be intentional about it's execution. Allow yourself to soften and to get out of your own way so that you can be divinely guided by Spirit. 

If you want to know more about how to make the most out of this New Moon energy or how Jupiter in Taurus will affect you over the next 12 months, feel free to book a reading with me!

All my love, 

Renae ✨🤍