Numerology, Crystals, & More

Journal Prompt & Crystals for 12.7.23 Full Moon in Gemini

Journal prompt:

Take a couple deep breaths to center and calm your energy. Think about how you feel on an energetic level. Drained? Anxious? Jittery? Frustrated? Focus on any and all feelings that come up, write them down. Think about how you have been spending your energy lately, and how it has contributed to these feelings you are experiencing currently. Are you keeping yourself busy to the point of burnout? Are you procrastinating something your intuition is guiding you to do? Are you needing to set better boundaries with those around you? Really reflect on how you have been using your energy. In what ways can you improve or change to better accommodate your energetic needs? Whether you need more time to devote to your creativity or time to simply be rest and recharge, be aware of the shifts you can make to better care for yourself. Write out anything that comes through your heart at this time. When you are finished, thank yourself for taking the time to listen to your own voice and write it down.


  • Fluorite – Helps to clear the mind of any negative energy and provide better clarity and focus for channeled thoughts. Great stone for those feeling cognitive dissonance and difficulty settling into one thought (Libras and Geminis).

  • Howlite – Immediately helps bring balance into the mind-body connection, which is really important during this Full Moon. This stone provides a great sense of calm and support during emotionally turbulent times. Howlite is also great for moments of release and will help you feel a sense of weight off your shoulders upon touching it. This stone is very nurturing and provides a feeling of unconditional love. I highly recommend to work with Howlite for this Full Moon in Gemini.

  • Unakite – Unakite is a great stone for all matters of the heart. It also assists us with releasing heavy emotions that have been weighing on our hearts. Use this stone for when you are ready to let go of what is no longer serving you. Do not work with Unakite if you are feeling agitated or frustrated, for it will amplify any energy it is working with. Be sure to approach this stone only when you are confident that you are ready to let it all go. (If you are still feeling some agitation or frustration, use Howlite).

Channeled Message for the Divine Masculine

With Mars in retrograde, the Masculine polarity has been undergoing major karmic lessons. Many aspects of the Masculine that are in need of collective re-programming are surfacing at this time for healing, release, and transmutation.

This message is for the Masculine collective, which includes those that identify as Male, those with strong Masculine energy, and the Masculine aspects of all Divine Feminines as well:

It is okay to be soft. It is safe for you to be vulnerable. You are being held and unconditionally loved profoundly during this cycle. Although it may feel like you can’t express the emotional side of yourself, due to lack of support around you or resistance from the ego, it is crucial for you to understand that you are more than capable of doing so and that you are safe to express yourself.

The guilt and shame that you have been carrying most of your life are part of the old-programming and it is now time to shed those low vibrations as they are not serving you, King. You are worthy of the life you desire and more than capable of obtaining true happiness. Despite the mistakes you have made, you are more than worthy of a life abundant in Divinity. You are more than deserving of unconditional love. It is your birthright! Find it within yourself to forgive. Let go of the fear holding you back. Suffering is no longer written into the Masculine blueprint. The old paradigm of what it means to be “Masculine” is outdated and dissolving, as the Divine Masculine collective awakens their inner King.

You are hurting, lost, confused and angry at times. You are overwhelmed by the emotions you are feeling because everything needing to be released is currently sitting at the surface waiting to be acknowledged. It is okay to feel. Anger, hurt, resentment, pain, loss, love, happiness, bliss – it is OKAY to feel these overwhelming emotions. Let them speak up, know you are being heard. Know that you are being held on a cosmic level. The collective Masculine is making this shift together – you are not alone. The Divine Feminine is holding space for you and healing their inner Masculine polarity to assist you at this time. We are all part of this grand shift.

Know that it is safe for you to take the mask off. You don’t have to perform anymore. Whatever beliefs you have about what or who you are supposed to be simply because you are a man (or the Masculine counterpart) are part of the false programming. These are beliefs you have adopted over the course of your life, and are simply not true. Trust in this, and allow yourself to listen to your inner King to guide you down the right path.

There is so much to be proud of yourself for. You are undergoing a massive shift within you and within the collective and this is worthy of praise. What you are doing is not an easy task and these past few weeks have been testing, to say the least. Give yourself grace, and show your inner King unconditional love. Mars will be retrograde until January 12th, so during this time it is imperative to soften into this collective release and re-programming. Surrender to the abyss of human emotions that will help realign you onto your most authentic path. You are safe, you are loved, you are held, you are forgiven, you are free.

Remember, You are King.

11.11 Portal Activation

This portal unlocks codes of remembrance and gives us an opportunity to connect with our divine selves deeper than ever before.

This is a powerful time for manifestation and bringing our visions to life.

Use these affirmations to help anchor into this energy.

"I connect with my higher self to create the life I desire"

"I manifest my dreams with ease"

FREE 1-3 card readings for those subscribed to my Patreon!

Love & blessings to you all,


Cinnamon Prosperity Ritual

This ritual is for the 1st of every month and/or during a New Moon.

You will need: ground cinnamon.

Grab your cinnamon and sprinkle a little bit in the palm of your hand.

Stand outside of your home, facing inward through the door you normally walk in. (You can do this for every door in your house if you wish)

Recite affirmations of abundance, good fortune and prosperity for the new month or new lunar cycle ahead.

Then blow your cinnamon into your home, across the threshold of the door.

Repeat this as often as you wish.