✶ Tarot ✶

11.23.22 Pick a Card Reading for New Moon in Sagittarius

  • Group 1 - Serpentine/Judgement:

You have great potential within you and this New Moon wants you to let yourself shine. This is favorable energy to work with. Don’t be afraid. Don’t let fear hold you back from witnessing your evolution. You are holding yourself back by having feelings of doubt or unworthiness. This is a special message for you to be bold, be brave, and show the world what you have to offer. Take this as a sign that in letting go of fear, new opportunities beyond your imagination will unlock and reveal themselves to you. This is a very magical and expansive time for you if you can get out of your own way.

  • Group 2 - Pyrite/10 of Pentacles:

This is your time to shine! Abundance and prosperity are already on the way to you. You have really been working on yourself, healing, releasing what doesn’t serve you, and building towards this vision you’ve had in your heart. It hasn’t been easy for you recently, but you did it and the hard work is about to pay off. Open yourself up to receiving an abundance of blessings because you are about to see them unfold before you. Congratulations!

  • Group 3 - Citrine/Queen of Wands:

You are finally starting to realize your magic and how powerful you truly are. The magic within you is getting stronger. No more playing small or diminishing your light. You are fully stepping into your power under this New Moon influence and about to embark on a new soul mission, one that is more aligned with your greatness and potency. This is such a beautiful time for you! You are feeling more confident in yourself and at home with your unique essence. You have gifts to offer, and you finally understand this deeper than ever. This is such an exciting time for you! Be bold and live your truth proudly.